The financial impact on banking due to the declaration of new abusive practices.
El primer número nos brinda un recorrido por diversos temas de la problemática de interés local y global, y ponen de manifiesto la dinámica humana en una sociedad cada vez más compleja. Es por ello que les invitamos a leer y sobre todo a la reflexión.
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How to Cite

Escober García, L. C. (2024). The financial impact on banking due to the declaration of new abusive practices. TEKNÉ Revista De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 1(1). Retrieved from


In April 2022, the banking regulatory entity amended the protective regulation of financial users by adding classifications for some charges as abusive practices. This public policy created the expectation of understanding the level of impact on the financial results of the bank, especially regarding income from commissions or neutral operations. Therefore, official data published on the Financial Information Web Site for the years 2021 and 2022 was analyzed to conclude that there was no decrease in income from commissions according to the consolidated statement of financial results; in fact, there was an increase.

PDF (Español (España))


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