What is the purpose of our existence?
El primer número nos brinda un recorrido por diversos temas de la problemática de interés local y global, y ponen de manifiesto la dinámica humana en una sociedad cada vez más compleja. Es por ello que les invitamos a leer y sobre todo a la reflexión.
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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Paz, Ángel F. (2024). What is the purpose of our existence?. TEKNÉ Revista De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 1(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.unitec.edu/tekne/article/view/305


ABSTRACT. Humanity has been culturally conditioned by a tendency to explain facts and causes, including the need to understand the transcendence of its own existence. It is necessary to analyze different approaches and theories about the meaning of life in a critical and rational manner. A hermeneutical approach was employed, allowing for the interpretation of the phenomenon in stages. While replicators like genes may explain the existence of complex organisms such as humans in the short term, their future is not guaranteed in the long term. Therefore, in the grand scheme of the universe, we are inconsequential, as our destiny is ultimately destruction.

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