From manuscript to design: teaching the poster as a strategy for scientific dissemination
El primer número nos brinda un recorrido por diversos temas de la problemática de interés local y global, y ponen de manifiesto la dinámica humana en una sociedad cada vez más compleja. Es por ello que les invitamos a leer y sobre todo a la reflexión.
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How to Cite

Barahona, K. A., Romero, A. C., & Suazo A, I. (2024). From manuscript to design: teaching the poster as a strategy for scientific dissemination. TEKNÉ Revista De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 1(1). Retrieved from


Within the field of research, there are diverse ways to present the results of a study, and one of these is through the creation of scientific posters in digital or physical formats. As part of the Research Training Program (PFI) at the Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC) and Centro Universitario Tecnológico (CEUTEC), with the aim of encouraging participation in CONACIETI 2022, a "Workshop on the Elaboration of Scientific Posters" was conducted, targeting students.

The workshop was offered in a theoretical-practical format in a virtual setting, employing a project-based learning methodology with a hands-on approach to develop proposals for infographic posters. Concepts such as grids, visual hierarchies, color management, and reinforcing analysis and synthesis competencies were covered. The call for participation was directly circulated among students enrolled in the PFI during the second academic period.

The workshop comprised three sessions, each lasting two hours, conducted via the Zoom platform with the assistance of four facilitators. Nineteen participants attended the first session, eighteen in the second, and seventeen in the final session. In total, seven out of ten posters were received, resulting in a 59% approval rate for the workshop. Despite the demonstrated interest, some participants did not complete the process. However, the delivered products were deemed of high quality.

The learning generated within the workshop was not limited to the participants alone but also extended to the committee overseeing the workshop. Based on this experience, the committee has considered aspects for replication and improvement in future implementations.

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