ABSTRACT. Introduction: The presence of Islam in Cuba dates to the beginning of the Spanish colonization, however its organized practice and the growth of the community formed by Cubans only began in the nineteen-nineties. This period was marked by a deep crisis and the religious field became even more pluralized. Method: review of theoretical sources and stories of believers was carried out to characterize the organized practice of Islam in Cuba and to determine the main motivations that drive it. Results: are that there are practitioners of the two main currents, Sunnism and Shiism, with the predominance of the former; and the importance of the support of Arab or African Muslim students and/or diplomats residing in Cuba for its beginnings and expansion. Conclusion: it was learned through Cuban Muslims how they came to know Islam, the prevalence of intrinsic motivations for their religious practice, and the marked presence of Islam in the motivational hierarchy.
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