Safety measures for internal tourists who travel long distances in Honduras
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López Ramírez, D. R., Mejía Velásquez, R. A., Fonseca Andrade, G. Y., Herrera Funes, J. A., & Ávila Flores, J. C. (2024). Safety measures for internal tourists who travel long distances in Honduras. TEKNÉ Revista De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 1(2). Retrieved from


Introduction: The progressive increase in accident rates and fatalities resulting from traffic accidents in Honduras is sometimes due to a lack of consideration for safety precautions. The objective of this study is to identify safety measures employed by internal tourists who travel long distances, with a focus on the April 2022 holiday period, in order to provide useful information for improving security during travel. Method: A quantitative approach was utilized with a sample of 1,171 participants selected through convenience sampling. A data collection instrument in the form of a verification list consisting of 11 items was used, which was subjected to the EGA method to estimate the dimensionality of the scale. This method was chosen due to its capacity to estimate parameters of a linear regression model when the response is a categorical variable. Results: The exploratory graph (EGA) yielded two distinct estimations: a) Measures related to Vehicle Performance, and b) measures related to driver attitudes. Conclusion: The scale demonstrates the ability to measure the phenomenon of safety measure utilization among domestic tourists traveling long distances, as evidenced by the obtained results. This contrasts with the theory, even though the emphasis of the study mainly addresses aspects related to vehicles, rather than other measures that were in effect in 2021, such as those pertaining to biosecurity.


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