Adaptation of DOSPERT-30 scale of facing risk applicate in police members from district 1-6 Tegucigalpa
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Ferrari, M. A., Conchita Ortega, E., Monroy, M. R., Díaz, J. M., Casco, A. M., & Alvarado, C. R. (2024). Adaptation of DOSPERT-30 scale of facing risk applicate in police members from district 1-6 Tegucigalpa. TEKNÉ Revista De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 1(2). Retrieved from


ABSTRACT. Abstract: About facing risk, police members could present several behaviors, due to temperament types and characters of each person. Therefore, throughout this investigation work is studied what is the behavior of District 6 police members from Tegucigalpa, through the adaptation of the DOSPERT-30 scale, from psychometric criteria. Method: This study was developed from a quantitative approach of cross-sectional nature and descriptive reach, it was obtained a convenience sample and the instrument was applied to 61 police members. Results: the reliability of the instrument reached an alpha of Cronbach 0.863 on the other hand the content validity index of 30 items vary between 0.75 and 1.0 furthermore from supportive descriptive statistic punctuations, it is considered that the adaptation resulted to be appropriate for Honduran context and it shows that in the social and recreative dimension is where most of the risks are identified in the informers. Conclusion: The adapted scale contributes with useful and reliable evidences for the Honduran police context because it permits to evaluate several aspects of police members’ behavior.

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