Artificial intelligence in the light of philosophy: How far does its capacity go?
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Ypsilanti, A. M., Claudette Landa, A., Ortíz, S. N., & Fuentes Reales, J. (2024). Artificial intelligence in the light of philosophy: How far does its capacity go?. TEKNÉ Revista De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 1(3). Retrieved from


ABSTRACT. Introduction. The idea that machines can equate human intelligence has been the subject of research and debate since the mid-twentieth century, so from philosophy there have been several analyses about it from multiple theoretical approaches, some in favor and others against this trend. Therefore, the purpose of this analysis was to address the key concepts surrounding the technological advances that have contributed to the development of AI from a philosophical assessment of the phenomenon. Methods. The analysis was developed under a phenomenological approach by reviewing the literature related to the evolution of the idea of AI. Results. AIs have been evolving, but from multiple philosophical perspectives they have not yet reached the capacity of emulation of human intelligence. Conclusion. It is not yet foreseen that AIs can fully replace human capabilities whose starting point is consciousness as a complex process, however, the emergence of new human activities that incorporate the use of AI from a purely instrumental and complementary perspective as part of the evolution of society is not ruled out, allowing an accelerated use of AIs that match or exceed the Chat GPT.
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