ABSTRACT Introduction. A solid academic preparation is strengthened when the student applies and seeks results through research. In this sense, in the class of Economic Environment and Policy of the Graduate School at the Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC), the Wiki resource was applied, so that the student could make a general review of the main economic factors of Honduras. Method. The various indicators of an economic study developed by the students on "E-commerce and its impact on Honduras" were compiled, involving the student in a process of research and socialization of results. Results. It is a task of the educational institutions to shorten the existing technological gaps, if education is to be universal and of quality; otherwise, there is a risk that technology today will allow actions that will be a source of distancing in the future. Conclusion. With virtual education, another type of risk arises: the student no longer worries about attending a classroom; now his work is done in a virtual classroom. In this space, there is a variety of resources at their disposal that they should be aware of; however, globalization in education can transcend their environment to other regions, other countries, and other languages.References
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