This brief opinion exposes the philosophical notion of robot proposed by Gunkel, in contrast to other authors. Therefore, the objective of this approach focuses on the artificial entity, that can be the object of right; likewise, it focuses on what the implications of this are like today, due to the constant dependence of human beings on technology. A brief documentary analysis was carried out regarding this philosophical notion and the theoretical elements that underlie. It was identified that there is no consensus in the academic community about what a robot is or is not. In a strict sense, a robot is an independent entity equipped with artificial intelligence, or, in a broad sense, devices and machines present in our everyday environment can be considered robots. Therefore, clarity is needed about who or what should be the object of law, due to the lack of awareness that determines one's identity. Currently, when talking about law, humans are considered, first of all, as objects of the same human beings, however, avant-garde philosophical positions do not rule out that machines eventually undergo a notable evolution, which calls into question whether these are the subject of law, although debates have already arisen based on assumptions and potential future scenarios.References
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