

Registration and login are required to submit manuscripts online and to check the status of recent submissions. Go to Login to an existing account or Register a new account. 


Checklist before submitting 


Authors should check that their article complies with all of these elements: 


  • Submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor). 
  • File in Microsoft Word or LaTeX format according to the journal's guidelines. 
  • Article checked for spelling and language quality. 
  • Title page with author names and affiliations in a separate document. 
  • Body of the article in a separate document, structured according to journal standards and not including authors, affiliations or names in the acknowledgements section. This is to ensure blind review. 
  • Author designated as correspondent, who must have contact information and ORCID number (this number it can be obtained at 
  • Authors have an ORCID number. 
  • List of 3 to 5 keywords according to official descriptors and journal standards. 
  • Figures and tables with title, cited in the text according to order of appearance, inserted or attached in editable format. 
  • Bibliographic references cited in the text according to the most current version of APA, including URLs for references and DOI. 
  • Cover letter
  • Originality Form (as link, SEE ATTACHMENT) and signed Conflict of Interest Form ( 

For authors 



The manuscripts must be oriented to aspects of technology and innovation within any of the following thematic lines: 

  1. Business management and technology 
  2. Sustainable development 
  3. Social, economic and political development 
  4. Teaching and learning 
  5. Health and life sciences 
  6. Arts and culture 
  7. Engineering sciences 




Articles must be prepared according to category and following the following structure:

  1. ORIGINAL ARTICLES: present unpublished original research data. Its sections will be: Introduction, Methods, Results, Analysis and Discussion, Conclusion and References. When pertinent, Acknowledgements and/or Financing may be added. A section on Conflicts of Interest should be added at the end of the text. Length: 2,500-3,000 words, 3 figures, 2 tables, 20-30 references, structured abstract. 
  2. SHORT COMMUNICATIONS: present data or contributions that do not meet all the requirements to be published as originals because they have few data or are preliminary but have a similar structure. Length: 1,500 words, 1 figure, 1 table, 10-15 references, structured abstract. 
  3. REVIEW: synthesizes and updates on a particular topic, putting in perspective the knowledge in the respective area. Its sections will be: Introduction, Methods, Body, Conclusion and References. Length: minimum 3,500 words, 3 figures, 2 tables, 40-70 references, structured abstract.  
  4. CASE STUDIES OR REPORT OF EXPERIENCES: these are articles about experiences and lessons learned. Its sections will be: Introduction, Presentation of case or experience, Discussion, Conclusion and References. Length: 2,500 words, 3 figures, 2 tables, 10-20 references, structured abstract. 
  5. SPECIAL IMAGE: presents images of interest, with appropriate resolution and a caption no longer than 100 words. It may include a reference.  
  6. OPINION ARTICLE: presents analysis and recommendations of experts on specific topics from the author's point of view and in a free essay format. Length: 1,500 words, 1 figure or 1 table, 3-6 references.  
  7. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: clarifications, contributions or discussion on any published article or on any other topic of special interest. Length: 600 words and 3-6 references. 
  8. RESEÑAS DE LIBRO: BOOK REVIEWS: summarizes perspectives and comments on a book in any of the seven main topics of the journal. Length: 1,500 words, 1 figure or 1 table, 3-5 references. 



  1. SUPPLEMENTS: will be used to present special topics or abstracts of congresses or other particular scientific activities. 
  2. SPECIAL ISSUES: will be called for by the editor, and may be proposed by external authors, at the discretion and approval of the editor and the editorial board. 
  3. ANNOUNCEMENTS: institutional announcements of academic and scientific nature may be published at the discretion of the Editorial Committee. This publication will be made only on Innovare's web page. Commercial advertising or advertising specifically related to an article will not be accepted. 




General requirements 


Title: It should have a maximum limit of 15 words that reflect the content of the article in a clear and interesting way. It should be translated into English/Spanish. 


Authors and affiliations: Authors are encouraged to be consistent with the use of their name. That is, to write it in the same way in all their publications. New authors are advised to check in the journal databases or in the ORCID platform (, to ensure that their name is different from other authors with similar names. When there is more than one author and more than one affiliation in the article, superscript letters should be used to associate their affiliation. The affiliation should include the department and faculty or institution to which it belongs, followed by the city and country. Affiliations should be included on a separate page from the rest of the article to allow anonymous review of the article. 


Text: The article should be submitted on letter-size paper in Word format or using the journal's official LaTeX template. The length limits for each type of article must be maintained. It is suggested that paragraphs throughout the article be between 5 and 10 lines each. Footnotes should not be used. 


Length of the content of each section: follow the ranges already indicated in the section about types of articles. 


Abstract: It should summarize the most relevant aspects of the paper in no more than 225 words. It should be written in Spanish and English and should be structured and subtitled according to the structure already mentioned for each type of article, without including references. 


Keywords:  A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 words in lowercase and in alphabetical order should be provided. These keywords are used for indexing and subsequent search of the article. Some disciplines such as health sciences indicate that keywords should not repeat words in the title. In the case of health sciences, authors should choose these words from the official catalogs, using the DECs search engine in Spanish or MESH in English:  and the Medical Subject Headings of Index Medicus (, using their most recent versions. For other areas, use the UNESCO Thesaurus:


Tables:  They should be placed in the text where it applies, as text, not as inserted figures, with horizontal lines at a minimum, without vertical lines. Tables should be numbered following the order of their appearance in the article. They should have a brief and clear title at the top. In addition, the meaning of abbreviations and special notes may be added at the bottom. If the table was obtained from another publication, the author must obtain and show reproduction permission. If an existing table has been modified, the source must be cited. 

Graphics: They should be numbered and cited in the order they are described in the text. They should not have a box, and the use of grids should be avoided as much as possible. Authors should make sure that the X and Y axes of the statistical graphs are adequately labeled with legends. Color in sober tones can be used. 


Figures: Illustrations (graphs, diagrams, photographs, etc.) in color or black and white, should be inserted where appropriate in the article and should be sent separately in TIFF or JPEG format. In any case they should have a resolution of no less than 300 dpi. A short title and the respective numbering should be written below the illustration. Figures should not include data that reveal identification of individuals. In the case of photographs of children, photo permission must be obtained from the parents or legal guardians. However, the face should be covered to protect the identity of children and individuals when required. Authors are responsible for using photographs that are true to the original and have not been electronically manipulated. Editors may request a signed statement from the authors certifying that the figures are unpublished and that they assume responsibility for their use. Color blindness (color blindness or dyschromatopsia) is a condition in which some people do not perceive certain colors, especially red and green. Therefore, it is requested to avoid these colors as much as possible. If you have any questions, please write to the editors. 


Abbreviations and symbols: They should be kept to a minimum and should be defined the first time they appear in the text. 


Units of measurement: The most recent version of the International System of Units standard ( should be used. 


Authors' contribution: At the end of the article, each author's specific contribution to the article should be described briefly and with abbreviations. For this, use the CRediT taxonomy ( 


Acknowledgements: At the end of the article, acknowledgements may be dedicated to collaborators of the work and to any financial sponsorship received. 


Conflict of interest: At the end of the article, it should be described or denied if there is any conflict of interest. A conflict of interest occurs when a researcher or organization has competing interests that may interfere with or influence the research conducted. Conflicts of interest may be actual, potential, or perceived. 


References: The most recent version of the American Psychologists Association (APA) format should be used. References should be placed indicating last name and year after the respective text (see Authors are encouraged to use reference preparation applications to ensure that they meet the standards. Final articles with automatic references within Word such as EndNote or similar will not be accepted. 

Some examples of references in APA in its latest version: 

Scientific journal article 

Otu, A., Charles, C. H. y Yaya, S. (2020). Mental health and psychosocial well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: the invisible elephant in the room. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 14(38), 1-5.   


Merritt, R. W. y Cummins, K. W. (2008). An introduction to the aquatic insects of North America (4a ed.). Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co. 

Web page 

Observatorio Demográfico Universitario UNAH. (2021, 12 de enero). Observatorio Demográfico Universitario: Colonia Nueva Esperanza. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras.  


Valencia, C. (2011). Química del hierro y del manganeso en el agua, método de remoción. Universidad de Cuenca.  


Proofreading and language quality: Authors are responsible for checking the spelling and grammar of their articles. Failure to do so may result in rejection of articles. Authors are encouraged to seek editorial assistance from experts to ensure the language quality of their articles in both Spanish and English. For accepted articles, Innovare reserves the right to make any style edits it deems appropriate, which will be communicated to the authors for approval prior to publication. Artificial and unnecessary doubling of the feminine or masculine should be avoided. Consult the current recommendations of the Real Academia Española.   


Article process 

  1. The article will be sent only through the journal's Open Journal Systems system in Word format in single column, single spaced. One file should contain title, authors and affiliations and word count, tables, figures and references. The other file should contain the title and the rest of the article. This separation of the article will allow anonymous review of the article. If the author has any doubts, he/she can contact the Editor in Chief of the journal at: 
  2. Initial review. The Editor will review compliance with the journal's guidelines before sending the article for peer review. This initial review will not exceed 3 to 4 weeks and includes acknowledgement of receipt by the journal. 
  3. Anonymous peer review. The review process is double-blind to ensure impartiality through an anonymous method. The Editor and the Editorial Committee will assign articles to the appropriate peer reviewers. The Editor will communicate the necessary revisions of substance and form and confirm whether the article has been accepted or not. 
  4. Acceptance and style edits. When the acceptance of the article is communicated, the authors will send the final version including the requested revisions. After receiving the final version, Innovare reserves the right to make editorial or stylistic edits as necessary. 
  5. Pre-publication proof (print proof). The corresponding author will receive a proof for final review and must acknowledge receipt and indicate approval or minimal corrections within one week. Publication will not be delayed if there is a delay in the authors' response in this regard. 
  6. Publication report. The Editor in Chief of the journal will notify the authors of the publication and will make sure to follow up on the indexing that corresponds to the published issue. The journal may request addresses of authors' social network accounts in order to post publication announcements of individual articles by tagging them.