CORALBOTproject: an initiative to monitor coral reefs
CORALBOTproject: an initiative to monitor coral reefs

How to Cite

Ordoñez Ávila, J. L., Ordoñez Ávila, M. G., & Perdomo, M. H. (2024). CORALBOTproject: an initiative to monitor coral reefs. Innovare Revista De Ciencia Y tecnología, 10(1), 35. Retrieved from


The CORALBOT project was developed in 2019, as part of the Instituto Hondureño de Ciencia, Tecnología y la Innovación (IHCIETI) applied research projects. Images show the robot's first immersion in Punta Sal, Tela, Honduras, the final robot prototype and site´s coral reefs. In the future, the robot may be used to study ecosystems along the Honduran coastal shelf, as proposed by Alegría & Pérez, (2016).
CORALBOTproject: an initiative to monitor coral reefs
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