Effects of Infrastructure Investment by PROMINE/KFW Program in Educational Centers
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How to Cite

Fúnez Cálix, S. M. (2024). Effects of Infrastructure Investment by PROMINE/KFW Program in Educational Centers. Innovare Revista De Ciencia Y tecnología, 3(2), 41 – 51. Retrieved from https://revistas.unitec.edu/innovare/article/view/16


This research is based on the PROMINE/KfW Program, which is a grant awarded by the German Government through KfW directed to contribute to the improvement of the efficiency and quality of the Pre-Basic and Basic education system in Honduras. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the investment in infrastructure of the PROMINE/KfW program in 25 schools out of 131 in six departments (Copan, Intibucá, La Paz, Lempira, Ocotepeque and Santa Barbara), determining the amount of investment and infrastructure changes implemeneted according to the needs and standards of the Ministry of Education. The departments operated are the ones with the highest poverty rate in the country. The program uses the BIOCLIMATIC, CPTED and PEC methodologies. The type of research design consists of a mixed non-experimental design, using three types of instruments: polls applied to the directors of the 25 centers, data obtained from FHIS and field observation of 5 centers through an observation guide. Using the statistical tool SPSS version 22 for analyzing the variables, 13 of the 25 centers consider that the biggest beneficiary of the program is the community; the other educational centers believe that students benefit the most. Of all the respondents, 19 qualify the investment as excellent. It is concluded that the program has had a positive impact on the educational infrastructure and the community in general.
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