Organization for Women in Science in Honduras. It is time to change gender stereotypes in science
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How to Cite

López, V. (2024). Organization for Women in Science in Honduras. It is time to change gender stereotypes in science. Innovare Revista De Ciencia Y tecnología, 11(1), 1–2. Retrieved from


n 1966, a study called “Draw-A-Scientist” was carried out for the first time, in which girls and boys were asked to draw “a scientific person”. The results were impressive, 99.4% of the drawings featured a man as a scientist. Since then the DAST (Draw-A-Scientist Test) has been repeated more than 80 times in the United States and more than 20,000 drawings have been collected. The percentage of women represented in the drawings has been increasing, but there are still biases that deserve our attention.
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