Our fragile relationship with the ecosystem
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Environmental degradation
Mangrove areas

How to Cite

Ortiz, J. C. (2024). Our fragile relationship with the ecosystem. INNOVARE Ciencia Y Tecnología, 12(1), 38. Retrieved from https://revistas.unitec.edu/innovare/article/view/254


A beautiful and terrifying image, the mangroves of the south, beautiful forests that house an immense biological diversity, terrestrial and aquatic, buffer against natural disasters, carbon sinks and an innumerable number of environmental benefits. But beyond its benefits, this image shows how, little by little, the intrepid human makes its way to enjoy such precious benefits that this ecosystem provides (A and B) and despite this, the noble wetland always flourishes for the living beings that depend on it. Southern mangroves, El Venado beach, Honduras.
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