Group actions as a form of environmental protection in the Honduran procedural law
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Mass Litigation
difuse interests
colective interests
environmental protection

How to Cite

Castro Valle, C. M. (2024). Group actions as a form of environmental protection in the Honduran procedural law: Group actions as a form of environmental protection in the Honduran procedural law. Innovare Revista De Ciencia Y tecnología, 4(2), 16–27. Retrieved from


This paper offer an analysis of a form of collective redress available in the Honduran Civil Procedural Law in force since 2006, of consumers and legal possibilities for the protection of environmental interests. It includes a description of what constitutes the protection of environmental interests and the characteristics of the instruments available. Among the features analyzed are standing, burden of proof, precautionary measures or injunctions, the res judicata effect, as well as the role of judges in such peculiar processes.
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