Reducing clinker in the cement production: opportunities to decrease carbon footprint in Honduras
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How to Cite

Chávez Bourdeth, H. (2024). Reducing clinker in the cement production: opportunities to decrease carbon footprint in Honduras. Innovare Revista De Ciencia Y tecnología, 12(1-1), 31–34. Retrieved from


Introduction. Honduras has a significant cement production industry with rapid growth that has resulted in increased emissions. As an opportunity to reduce these emissions, this study examined the potential for reduction by decreasing the clinker factor in cement production through the use of Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCM). Methods. A mathematical model was adapted to calculate emissions at the national level and along with optimal scenarios for reducing the clinker fraction through the use of SCM. Projections were made to determine the reduction in CO2 emissions in the sector. Results. The projections indicated a potential reduction of 213,428 tons of CO2 per year in sector emissions by decreasing the clinker fraction from 0.75 to 0.51 by 2050. This represented a 30% reduction in annual emissions under the most optimistic scenarios. Conclusion. The decrease in the clinker fraction in cement production proved to be an excellent starting point for reducing the carbon footprint in industrial processes in Honduras.
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