Freedom of professorship: a solution or part of the problem
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Medical education
Academic freedom

How to Cite

Solano, J., Izamar Madrid, B., Galeano, D., & Batres Ramírez, A. C. (2024). Freedom of professorship: a solution or part of the problem. Innovare Revista De Ciencia Y tecnología, 11(3), 172–181. Retrieved from


Introduction. Academic freedom originated in 1966 when the elements that must be respected and attributed to teachers during the exercise of their profession were defined. Academic freedom allows teachers to use available pedagogical methodologies and develop scientific research without institutional influence or limitation. Methods. We reviewed the literature on articles, studies, laws, and university guidelines on the use of academic freedom published in Spanish or English between 2010 and 2022. Discussion. There is an effort by governments and universities to respect and promote academic freedom. This is enhanced when teachers know and implement different teaching and evaluation methodologies within a training system that allows and encourages teacher feedback and evaluation. Additionally, there are useful elements to improve the quality of academic freedom. Conclusion. Academic freedom represents an education intended to be free of biases and a fundamental pillar for a university to enjoy autonomy and its correct use offers benefits to students and teachers. However, due to the complexity of these processes, multiple factors could affect academic freedom and make it a methodological limitation that affects the quality of education.
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