Concrete is an essential product for the construction industry. The manufacturing process consists of mixing cement, sand, gravel and water. The study aim was to evaluate the concrete resistance by modifying its mixture and replacing the gravel with recycled plastic. Methods. The study was descriptive. The concrete specimens were prepared and compared using compressive strength. Three samples were made, the reference cylinder being the one made up of a conventional concrete mixture, i.e., cement, sand and gravel. The remaining two specimens were made by replacing the gravel with recycled plastic, whose compressive strength was compared with the mixture without modification. Results. The concrete compressive strength and the mixture volumetric weight decreased as there was an increase in the percentage of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), which replaced the gravel. Conclusion. The results suggest that replacing gravel with plastic in the three samples reduces the properties of the concrete in terms of strength and weight. More research is needed to fully understand the effects of adding HDPE to concrete and find ways to mitigate any negative impacts on its properties.References
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