Inteligencia emocional asociada a salud mental en estudiantes universitarios de la carrera de Psicología
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Psychology students
emotional uncertainty
mental health

How to Cite

Duarte Ortíz, F. (2024). Inteligencia emocional asociada a salud mental en estudiantes universitarios de la carrera de Psicología. Innovare Revista De Ciencia Y tecnología, 7(1), 58–73. Retrieved from


In recent decades there has been an increasing interest in the study of emotional intelligence and its relationship with mental health, the objective of this research is to present the results of this partnership, in freshmen of the Psychology degree students at the UNAH -VS. Quantitative methodology with a correlation descriptive scope, transversal experimental design was employed. The information was collected with two tests: Trait Meta Mood Scale TMMS-24 and the scale of General Health Goldberg GHQ-28, 129 students who make up the universe of 1st. income in the third grading period 2014. The results indicate that high levels of emotional intelligence are significantly associated with good mental health, while low levels of emotional intelligence are associated with poor mental health and even if considered indicators of psychological insecurity. Future studies should deepen the understanding of the relationship between emotional intelligence and other psychological variables involved in the Mental Health (personality traits).

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