Political Culture of Young University Students of Honduras. The Case of CEUTEC San Pedro Sula in 2015
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Democratic Adhesion
Institutional Trust
Political Culture

How to Cite

Mazariegos, S. A. (2024). Political Culture of Young University Students of Honduras. The Case of CEUTEC San Pedro Sula in 2015. Innovare Revista De Ciencia Y tecnología, 6(1), 26–36. Retrieved from https://revistas.unitec.edu/innovare/article/view/49


oung people and their political culture in Honduras at the beginning of the first decade of the century is the problem discussed in this article, which has the particularity of selecting a sample of university students in 2015 at CEUTEC SAP. There was a search for factors that affect tolerance youth policy, subjective and sociodemographic variables such as political orientation, religion, tolerance, authoritarianism, adherence to the regimen, etc. are valued type. These analyzed variables are a part of a politic culture. There are few precedents of previous research in the country. In these terms, our central interrogation leads to the question: How diverse is the political culture of the CEUTEC SAP university students in the second decade of the century?
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