Centros de investigación universitarios e inversión tecnológica: ¿en qué se invierte?
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Research centers
Technological investments

How to Cite

Martínez Garcés, J. H., & Barreto Fereira, J. R. (2024). Centros de investigación universitarios e inversión tecnológica: ¿en qué se invierte?. Innovare Revista De Ciencia Y tecnología, 7(2), 1–13. Retrieved from https://revistas.unitec.edu/innovare/article/view/69


This work had the objective to identify the types of technological investment in university research centers in Venezuela. The main theoretical supports for the study were the concepts by Aranda (1998); Santandreu and Santandreu (2000); and Vélez (2006), among others. Methodologically the research was descriptive with field-non-experimental and transectional design. To collect the data, a structured questionnaire with 36 items was applied to the directors of each of the seventeen research centers part of the humanistic nucleus of the University of Zulia. Results showed that the units studied present a balance between the investments to acquire complementary, substitutive and independent technology, as well as for the modernization, renovation and technological modernization. However, it is necessary to evaluate the correct selection of complementary technologies in which it is invested.
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