Propuesta metodológica para la enseñanza del español en la escuela para niños sordos Esmirna
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Grageda, E., Reyes Hernández , D., & Rodríguez, R. (2024). Propuesta metodológica para la enseñanza del español en la escuela para niños sordos Esmirna. Innovare Revista De Ciencia Y tecnología, 7(2), 47–67. Retrieved from


Currently there is no effective methodology to teach Spanish to deaf people, since the effectiveness of a method is certainly conditioned by the social and cultural environment of the deaf child. Considering that the mother language for Honduran deaf children is the Honduran Sign Language (LESHO), this article reviews some background on the teaching of second languages to deaf people. We analyze and describe the method to teach Spanish with the ABC program currently used in a local school from Honduras, and propose a methodology according to the educational reality of deaf children in Honduras. This methodology proposes improvements in didactic and technological aspects, as well as new teaching strategies and evaluative activities. This proposal is based on the bilingual approach, therefore, strategies that provide improvements in the learning of LESHO are proposed.
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