Pediatric obesity: basic concepts for a multidisciplinary approach in Honduras
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Nutritional disorders
Body mass index
Combined modality therapy

How to Cite

Rodríguez, B. S., Guillén Díaz, A. V., Gradiz Murillo, C. Y., Martínez Reyes, W. D., Sáenz, M. E., Sagastume Oseguera, C. P., … Escobar, E. C. (2024). Pediatric obesity: basic concepts for a multidisciplinary approach in Honduras. Innovare Revista De Ciencia Y tecnología, 8(1), 27–37. Retrieved from


Obesity, is the epidemic of the XXI century, is a growing problem in the pediatric age, the factors that predispose to this disease are multiple, modifiable (high caloric intake, low energy expenditure, psychological) and non-modifiable (genetic). In the treatment, the support of the family plays a very important role for this to be successful, in addition, it is necessary to establish national policies for prevention strategy, so it is important to know the main causes of obesity in our country. This article aims to focus on the different causes that can lead to obesity in the pediatric age, so it is necessary to carry out a multidisciplinary approach to fight against this disease and its consequences.
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