Compressed earth block brick: an alternative to reduce the environmental burden
El ladrillo de bloque de tierra comprimida: una alternativa para reducir la carga ambiental (Español (España))


Compressed earth block
Mechanical properties
Traditional block

How to Cite

Ramos Rivera, B. M., & López Zerón, J. C. (2024). Compressed earth block brick: an alternative to reduce the environmental burden. INNOVARE Ciencia Y Tecnología, 8(2), 88–93. Retrieved from


Introduction: Baked clay blocks have been used very frequently for construction. The manufacturing process involves cooking clay in artisanal furnaces that gives off carbon dioxide (CO2). CO2 is a primary waste that increases the environmental burden of greenhouse gases. The study aim was to evaluate resistance of an alternative material known as compressed earth block (CEB). Methods: The study was descriptive. Clay blocks and CEB were compared using its main mechanical property, that is, compressive strength (f’C). Results: Resistance of traditional blocks was less than 1,000 psi, while the resistance of CEB with additions of Portland cement and rice husks reached a value greater than 1,500 psi. Conclusion: The CEB meets the structural requirement NW (negligible weathering). From an absorption point of view, CEB can be classified as moderate weathering (MW).
El ladrillo de bloque de tierra comprimida: una alternativa para reducir la carga ambiental (Español (España))
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